NRDR physician information is maintained in the Physician Dictionary. Access to the dictionary is restricted to Corporate Account Administrators, Facility Administrators, Registry Administrators, and Facility Users only. Physicians may be added, updated, and deleted/deactivated through the Manage Physicians page found under Corporate Account Management Operational in the NRDR menu.
Physician Dictionary and Users
There are two types of “physicians” in NRDR:
The Physician Dictionary database includes the physician’s name, National Provider Identifier (NPI) and contact information. Registries may require dictionary entries to track which physician interpreted an image or to record physician exam data for reporting QCDR measures to CMS.
A Physician User account provides physicians access to the NRDR MIPS Portal. The portal allows physicians to use NRDR as a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) to report measures to CMS as part of the MIPS program. A physician has only one MIPS portal user account, regardless of how many registries they use. See Qualified Clinical Data Registries (QCDR) for MIPS for more information.
Note: Physicians participating in MIPS must
have a Physician User account (to access the MIPS portal)
be listed as a Participating Physician for each registry they want to use for reporting a QCDR measure, and
have a record in the Physician Dictionary to be listed as a Participating Physician in one or more registries
Physician Dictionary records are not shared across facilities. A facility can only access physician information entered for that facility, e.g., if the same physician practices at two different facilities, the physician must be added to each facility.
Registry | Required For |
CTC | All physicians performing CTC exams, so that each physician is available to be selected as an Interpreting Physician when entering exam data |
DIR | Physicians using DIR data to report QCDR measures to CMS |
GRID | Physicians for whom a report is desired at the end of each six-month reporting period or for those using GRID data to report QCDR measures to CMS |
LCSR | Physicians performing lung cancer screening exams, so that each physician is available to be selected as a Radiologist (reading) when entering exam data |
MIPS | Physicians participating in MIPS |
Click the Add New Physician button at the bottom of the page to display the Add New Physician form.
Note: If you have many physicians to add for one or more registered facilities you can use the Bulk-Add process to enter data into an Excel template and upload to NRDR.
To add a new record, enter information for each field.
Note: Some fields appear only when Yes is selected to enroll in CMS reporting using the MIPS Portal. See details, below.
Field | Description |
Status | If you select Inactive then the physician is not displayed in the drop-down lists of physicians on data collection forms. You cannot add the physician to individual registries. |
First Name
Last Name | Enter a first and last name. Both names are required. |
Confirm E-mail | Enter and confirm the physician’s e-mail address. |
Phone | Enter the physician's phone number, if desired. |
Provider Type | Select the appropriate response. |
NPI (National Provider Identifier) | The NPI must be exactly 10 digits, must be unique to the physician, and must correspond to the physician’s name, as registered with CMS. This field is required.
The NPI number and name are validated against a CMS database. To avoid problems, make sure you have the correct name spelling and NPI number, as they are listed with CMS. |
Is this Corporate Account responsible for enrolling physician in CMS Quality Reporting? By selecting ‘Yes’, you will be billed for the NRDR CMS (MIPS) Annual Reporting Fee. | Indicate whether this physician is participating in the NRDR QCDR for MIPS.
Note: Enrolling a physician in CMS reporting means they will require access to the ACR MIPS Portal. See "Send invitation e-mail to physician?", below, for details on this process.
Each physician user has a unique account from which he or she can view and submit MIPS data, including any QCDR measures from the NRDR registries to which they submit data |
Is this physician a member of ACR? |
If Yes is selected, enter the physician’s ACR ID. |
When CMS reporting is Yes, the following fields appear |
CMS Reporting Discount Coupon Code | Enter discount coupon codes, if available, to be applied to fees. |
Send invitation e-mail to physician? | Select Yes to send an e-mail to the physician inviting them to create their own NRDR user name and password. The physician receives an e-mail invitation and follows the same process to create their account as described in Invite New Users. |
Each new physician must be associated with at least one facility, registry and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Select the appropriate values using the form below the Add User form. 
Field | Description |
Facility | You may select any facility within your corporate account. |
Registry | Select a registry. Only those registries for which the facility is registered are shown. |
TIN | Select a TIN from the list of available options. Use the Manage Physician Group TIN page to add new TINs.Note: The TIN is mandatory for MIPS enrollment, and optional for all other registries. |
TIN Start Date TIN End Date | These fields are populated automatically when the TIN is selected. Use the Manage Physician Group TIN page to make any changes. |
Physician Start Date Physician End Date | Enter the date range indicating when the TIN applied to this physician.Note: The Physician Start Date and Physician End Date fields must be within the TIN Start Date and TIN End Date range. |
Action | Click the Delete link to remove a row. |
Click the Add New Line button to add a row for another facility, registry, or TIN.
Note: Use the above Requirements for Physician Dictionary table to determine the facilities and registries that need to add rows.
Click Add to add the new physician record after you have entered data for all fields. An error message appears at the bottom of the screen if there are any problems with the data entered. If there are no errors, an invitation is sent to the physician so they can create their NRDR username and password.
Search for a Physician
The Manage Physicians page provides a filter for you to search for physicians by last name, first name, or National Provider Identifier (NPI). To view the search filter, click the
button on the Filter bar. 
Opening the filter displays the search form:
Specify your search criteria and click the Search button. To reset filter fields to their default values, click the Reset button.
Search results are displayed in the table below the filter:
Note: The First Name and Last Name search fields are not case sensitive, must be at least two characters, and use a wildcard search to find all occurrences of their criteria, regardless of position; e.g. in the example, above, the query returns all users with the letters Cto at the beginning, at the end, or in the middle of the first name, regardless of case. NPI search criteria must be 10 characters in length.
Columns with underlined titles can be sorted. Click a column name to sort the list in ascending or descending order by the values in that column.
You can export all records from the results table to an Excel file by clicking the Export Physician List button, below the table.
Update or Delete a Physician
Note: If you have many physicians to update or delete for one or more registered facilities you can use the Bulk-Add process to enter data into an Excel template and upload to NRDR.
To update or delete physician records, first locate the record as described in Search for a Physician, above, then click the appropriate link in the far-right column of the physician ID of the record you want to change:

Update the fields, as needed, and click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to discard the changes.
If you want to set a physician’s status to inactive, and the physician is currently enrolled in CMS reporting via the MIPS portal, you must first unenroll them by selecting No for the Will data from this corporate account be submitted for CMS quality reporting for this physician? field, and then save the record. You can then update the Status to Inactive and click Save.
To delete a physician record entirely, click the Delete link.
A physician record cannot be deleted, i.e. no Delete link is visible, if forms have already been entered into any registry with that physician’s name. You can prevent a physician’s name from being entered on forms in the future by changing the Status field to Inactive.