If you have many physicians to add to NRDR, you can save time and repetitive typing by using the NRDR Excel spreadsheet template to upload the data. The upload process allows you to add new physician records, update existing physician records, and even create new Physician Group TIN records.
You may upload records for all facilities to which you have access, and you may include data for multiple facilities in a single file.
Note: Using a single upload file can save you a lot of time typing. However, when copying physician records from one row to another row of the file, make sure all of the information is applicable to each facility, particularly if not all facilities participate in the same registries.
Download and Complete the Physician Template
Click the Manage Physicians link under Facility Management on the left side of the screen. Download the Excel template by clicking on the link at the top of the page. If prompted, select Save File to save the file to your computer.

Enter the physician information, following the requirements as described in Manage Physicians. Some fields are required depending on whether or not the facility is registered for MIPS – e.g. TIN, Is Physician a Member of ACR etc.
Note: The template includes fields for Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs), so you can associate a TIN for each physician/registry combination. A TIN is required for each physician wanting to use a registry for reporting QCDR measures.
Note: If you use the same TIN for all registries, you can enter the data as a single record and enter Y for each registry in the Registries column. If you use one TIN for registry A, and a different TIN for registry B, you must submit separate rows for each registry.
You must select at least one registry, indicated by placing a Y in the designated cell, or the record will not be loaded into the Physician dictionary.
Note: You can find out which registries are available for each facility by clicking ACR NRDR Homepage from the side menu to get to the NRDR Dashboard.
Upload the File
When your file is ready, select Choose File and search for the UploadPhysiciansTemplate.xlsx Excel file on your computer.

Select the file and click Open. The filename appears to the right of the Choose File button.

Click the Upload button to load the file. The page refreshes with the new physician records. If there are errors, a red error message appears along with a link to a log file.

The log is a copy of the template you uploaded, with a new column labeled UPLOADING_RESULT added. For records uploaded successfully, the column lists the NRDR Physician ID numbers. For records not uploaded, error messages describe the requirements not met. If there is more than one error for a row, each error message is separated by a semicolon.

Check out our list of Common Physician Upload Errors if you need help diagnosing problems with your upload.
Note: If there are errors the log file is downloaded automatically to your computer. If there are no errors you must click the log file link to download the log.
Upload New Physician Group TIN Records
The template and upload process allow you to create new physician TIN records during the upload, so you can bypass the Physician Group TIN page. Follow these guidelines when adding a new TIN:
Specify the correct, 9-digit TIN
Enter a TIN Start Date; this field is required for all TINs
Provide data for all other required fields, as instructed within the template. This includes specifying one or more registries for every row.
If the physician record already exists, it will be updated to include the new TIN/registry association.