Cancel Registrations
Corporate Account and Facility Administrators can use the Facility Information page, found under the Facility Management menu, to remove a facility from a registry or to cancel a facility’s participation in the NRDR portal. 
From the Facility Information page, click the Cancel Registration link to remove a specific registry for the facility. A prompt appears to confirm the change. Review the prompt and click Yes to remove the facility from the registry.

Use the Cancel Facility Registration button to withdraw the facility from the NRDR. A prompt appears describing the impact. Click OK to proceed with cancelling the facility’s registration.

Note: All user accounts associated with the canceled facility will be blocked from accessing the NRDR portal unless they have profiles associated with other active facilities.
Registry and facility cancellations take effect immediately. The Corporate Account Administrator is notified of cancellations via e-mail.
Restart Facility
Cancelling a facility’s registration sets its status to Inactive, as indicated by the red message at the top of the Facility Information page.
You may restart the facility’s participation in the NRDR portal using the Restart button.
Restarting a facility initiates the application process, starting with the Facility Information form.
Note: In the example, below, the facility to be restarted, facility ID 114156, has status Completed because the Facility Information form is already populated with the data from the original application.

Click the Edit link in the Action column if you need to change any information for the facility, such as the site’s address, or click the Next button to proceed through the application process to restart participation in the NRDR portal.
Note: When editing Facility Information, any registries in which the facility previously participated appear under the Already Applied Registries section and cannot be changed on the Facility Information page. To remove these registries, first complete the application process to restart the facility, then use the Facility Information page to cancel registries for the facility, as needed.