Physicians must be added to a facility’s Physician Dictionary before they can be added to a registry. Each facility maintains a distinct dictionary; consequently, physicians associated with multiple sites must be added to the dictionary for each facility ID. You can add physicians to a facility’s dictionary manually, via the Manage Physicians page, or you can use the physician upload process to save typing and time.
Note: In addition to allowing you to add physicians to multiple facilities in a single batch file upload, you can also use the bulk-add process to indicate to which registries each physician should be added, bypassing the need for the manual process described, below.
You can add a physician to the MIPS Portal through the Manage Physicians page by selecting Yes to the Enroll physician for MIPS Portal? prompt, and providing a user name.

For all other registries, you can add a physician to the registry through the Registration Information page. For example, to add a physician to the LCSR registry, select LCSR from the NRDR homepage and then click on Registration Information under the Registry Management menu.
Section 2 of the page lists the Participating Physicians already added to the registry’s physician dictionary.
Note: Removing a physician via the Remove link in the Participating Physicians table only removes the physician from the registry; the physician record remains in the facility's Physician Directory.
Click the Add Physician button to open a window listing all the physicians available in the facility Physician Dictionary.
To add a physician, click on the box in the rightmost column, then click the Add button.
Note: If you do not see a particular physician listed, check the Manage Physicians page to make sure they have been added to the specific Facility ID with which you are working.