NRDR utilizes a Patient Dictionary for each facility to maintain reference data for patients in the CTC, LCSR, and NMD registries.
Facility Administrators and Registry Administrators can search for and manage patient records by selecting Manage Patients, under Facility Management, from the NRDR menu.
Facility Users can also add patients to the dictionary indirectly by entering patient information on data collection forms for a new patient in the CTC and LCSR registries. For the NMD Registry, patients are added automatically to the dictionary when their exam records are uploaded to the registry.
Because there are separate patient dictionaries for each facility, a facility can only access patient information that was entered for that facility’s dictionary. If the same patient receives care at two different facilities, there will be two separate patient records in the NRDR system: one in the patient dictionary of the first facility, and one in the patient dictionary of the second.
Facilities that do not participate in the CTC, LCSR, or NMD registries are not required to maintain a patient dictionary.
A Potential Duplicate Patients Report is available from the page. Corporate Account Administrators, Facility Administrators, and Registry Administrators can access this report by clicking the Potential Duplicate Patients button. The report will open in a new tab. Duplicate patients can be merged on the Manage Patients page or the Potential Duplicate Patients Report. Users can merge cancelled patients with an active patient.
Add a Patient
The bottom section of the page displays a table of patient record details. 
By default, the table is blank with an Add button underneath, so that you can add new records.
To add a new record, enter information for each field.
Field Name | Description |
SSN | Patient Social Security Number (SSN) can be entered with or without hyphens, NNN-NN-NNNN or NNNNNNNNN, where N is a digit; all 9 digits are required. |
Old Medicare Beneficiary ID (prior to April 2018)New Medicare Beneficiary ID (April 2018 and later) | Enter the Old Medicare Beneficiary ID with or without hyphens. For example, a beneficiary ID can be entered 123-34-5678A or 123345678A.The New Medicare Beneficiary ID can also be entered with or without hyphens. The following format rules must be fulfilled for each character position:Position 2 – alphabetic values A thru Z (minus S, L, O, I, B, Z) Position 3 – alpha-numeric values 0 thru 9 and A thru Z (minus S, L, O, I, B, Z) Position 4 – numeric values 0 thru 9 Position 5 – alphabetic values A thru Z (minus S, L, O, I, B, Z) Position 6 – alpha-numeric values 0 thru 9 and A thru Z (minus S, L, O, I, B, Z) Position 7 – numeric values 0 thru 9 Position 8 – alphabetic values A thru Z (minus S, L, O, I, B, Z) Position 9 – alphabetic values A thru Z (minus S, L, O, I, B, Z) Position 10 – numeric values 0 thru 9 Position 11 – numeric values 0 thru 9 |
Other IdentificationDescription | If neither the Patient SSN nor Medicare Beneficiary ID is provided, then the Other Identification field must be filled in. It must be a code that uniquely identifies the patient within your practice, such as a medical record number. You may also provide an additional description of the type of identification entered. |
First NameMiddle NameLast Name | First and last names are required.Middle Name is optional. |
Date of Birth | Enter the patient's date of birth. |
Patient Sex | Select the patient’s gender. |
Race | Select the patient’s race(s), as identified by the patient. More than one race may be selected. |
Patient Ethnicity (Hispanic Origin) | Select whether the patient is of Hispanic origin, as identified by the patient. |
Health Insurance | Select all forms of health insurance that apply. |
Date of Death | In the event the patient has died, enter the patient’s date of death in mm/dd/yyyy format. Enter the cause, how the cause was determined, and whether there was an invasive procedure within 30 days, if this information is available. |
Click Add Patient to add the new patient record after you have entered data for all fields. An error message appears at the bottom of the screen if there are any problems with the data entered.
Search for a Patient
The filter at the top of the page allows you to search for patients by various fields. To view the search filter, click the
button on the Filter bar.
Opening the filter displays the search form. Specify your search criteria and click the Search button. To reset filter fields to their default values, click the Reset button. Search results are displayed in a table below the filter.
Note: Name fields do not use a wildcard search; that is, records must match criteria exactly.
Click a column name to sort the list in ascending or descending order, according to the values in that column.
See Merge Patients for details on how to merge duplicate patient records.
Update or Delete a Patient
To update or delete records, first locate the record as described in Search for a Patient, then click the ID of the record you want to change. The patient data populates the table at the bottom of the page with Update patient info, Delete patient and Cancel buttons underneath.
Update the fields you want to change and click the Update patient info button.
Changes to a patient record will be reflected on all previously entered case forms.
If you want to delete the record, click the Delete patient button.
A record cannot be deleted if forms have already been entered for that patient.
Click the Cancel button to discard the changes.
Last Reviewed 08/11/2021