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Manage Physician Group TINs

Physicians participating in MIPS are required to submit measures and attestations to CMS by Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Physicians may participate either as individuals or as members of a group practice. Regardless of how they participate, physicians or other users should use the Manage Physician Group TINs page for several functions, including

  • Entering Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) information, including effective dates

  • Selecting with which NRDR registries the TIN should be associated, so that QCDR measures from those registries are available for reporting to CMS

Note: For corporate accounts with multiple facilities, the Physician Group TIN must be associated with each subordinate facility ID at which a physician practices. For example, if a physician practices at facility 111111 for the DIR, and also practices at facility 222222 for the CTC, then two Physician Group TIN records would need to be added:

  • Facility ID 111111 for registry DIR

  • Facility ID 222222 for registry CTC

NRDR Manage Physician Group TINs

All users may access this function.

The Manage Physician Group TINs page is available under the Corporate Account Management Operational menu from the ACR NRDR Homepage.

All TINs associated with the current facility are shown upon opening the page. Alternatively, you can use the filter to search for TINs by various criteria.


Adding a New TIN

After opening the page, click the Add New TIN button, below the table, to display the Add TIN form and enter a new record.NRDR Manage Physician Group TIN - Add TIN

To define a new TIN record, enter data for each of the fields, as described, below. Required fields are marked with an asterisk. 


Enter the physician or physician group TIN, or the TIN used in physician or professional component claims. This number must be exactly nine digits.

*Physician Group

Select the Physician Group with which the TIN should be associated. This is a distinctive name and associates the group with one or more facility IDs. Use the Manage Physicians Groups page to enter a new group, if needed.

*TIN Start Date

TIN End Date

Enter the date when the TIN became active. An end date is not required unless there is a specific date for when data should no longer be submitted under this TIN for a given registry.


You can associate a TIN to one or more facilities under the same corporate account ID. Click the drop-down icon and select all facilities for which the TIN should apply.

Note: The facilities in the pick list are determined by the Physician Group selected, above. If you do not see a particular facility, use the Manage Physicians Group page to associate the facility with an existing group, or create a new group.

NRDR Manage Physician Group TIN - Select Facilities


Use the drop-down menu to select the registries with which the TIN is associated. By default, only registries for which the facility is registered are listed. NRDR Manage Physician Group TIN - Select Registries

Click Save to add the new TIN records. New records are created for each unique combination of facility ID, registry, and TIN and are displayed in the table in the middle of the page.

New TIN records are not added to the database until you click the Save button. Consequently, records will be lost if you navigate away from the Manage Physician Group TINs page without clicking the Save button.

Note: You can also add TIN information when uploading new physician records using the bulk-upload process from the Manage Physicians page.

Updating and Deleting TIN Records

To update or delete a TIN record click the appropriate link in the Action column.NRDR Manage Physician Group TIN - Table

You may edit any field except Facility or Registry. Click the Save button to update the dictionary.

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