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NRDR 13.8 Release Notes

The following updates are being introduced as part of the NRDR release 13.8.

Ability to Upload Data Files in .xlsx format for CTC, GRID, LCSR, and NMD Registries

For CTC, GRID, LCSR, and NMD registries, users will be able to upload either pipe-delimited text files or Excel .xlsx files.  We will no longer require users to convert Excel files to pipe-delimited text files for successful submissions.

New Data Validation Rule for GRID

There will be a new validation in GRID exam file upload requiring that the Date/Time Exam Complete must be before the Date/Time Report Signed.  At this time any exam record that fails this check will generate a warning.  These records will still be accepted into the registry but should be investigated and corrected.

Please be aware that, though the records will be accepted, they WILL NOT be considered for Turn Around Time measures unless they are corrected and resubmitted.

Additional Updates

  • A new interactive TIN/NPI Summary Report will allow you to quickly and easily see and drill down into the TINs and NPIs associated with your Corporate Account.

  • Uploading Physician Group TIN documentation has moved out of the Manage Physician Group TINs page to its own page, Manage Physician Group TIN Documentation.  To upload documents, the user will need to associate the document with a specific TIN for that Corporate Account.

  • NMD data element changes: Unknown vs. Unreported (v3.0/3.1)  We encourage you to review the NMD Data Dictionary as these documents are updated periodically as the registry evolves to add and modify data elements collected.

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