Use the mapping tool's Export All to Excel and Upload functions when you need to update multiple exam name mappings at one time. The tool may be used for mapping CT exam names to RPIDs and for mapping projection X-ray (fluoroscopy procedure and digital radiolography exam) names to ACR Common Procedure IDs. For information about using the mapping tool for mapping one or several studies, see the Knowledge Base article Using the Exam Mapping Tool.
The Process
Use the following steps to complete the process:
Click the Export All to Excel button to download all mapping data for your facility into an Excel file. The downloaded Excel file has the naming convention DIR_<your NRDR facility ID>_ExamName-Mappings_<date of download>.xlsx. You may want to make a copy of the downloaded file as a backup.
The Excel file for CT mapping contains five columns:
Record ID (required, read-only)
Facility ID (required, read-only)
Exam Name (required, read-only)
Own/Final Mapping (RPID code) (conditionally required)
Status (required)
The Excel file for Projection X-Ray mapping contains eight columns:
Record ID (required, read-only)
Exam (Study Description/Requested Procedure Description) (optional, read-only)
Suggested Mapping (optional, read-only)
Suggested Mapping Confidence Level (%) (optional, read-only)
Date Suggested Value Added (optional, read-only)
Own/Final Mapping (ACR Common ID) (conditionally required)
Current Status (optional, read-only)
New Status (optional)
Note: The FacilityID and RecordID is the unique key for each exam-mapping record. The Exam name/Exam(Study Description/Requested Procedure Description) column is displayed as a reference. You do not need to make changes to them; the tool will change the status accordingly in the database after the upload.
To map Not Tagged exams, enter the RPID code (for example RPID145) in the Own/Final Mapping (RPID code) column for the corresponding study. For projection x-ray, enter the Common Procedure ID number and change to status to 1 - Mapping Completed.
Note: For projection x-ray, you do not need to enter a value in the Own/FInal Mapping (ACR Common ID) column if you agree with the value in the Suggested Mapping column and change the status to 1 - Mapping Completed in the New Status column.
You are not required to enter the Shortname or predicate values for the RPID or Common Procedure ID. Entering just the RPID or CID numeric value is sufficient (ex: RPID1841 and RPID1841 CT ABD/PEL W IVCON will be accepted by system).
CT Exam Name Mapping Excel Upload Template
Projection X-ray Exam Name Mapping Excel Upload Template
To change the mapping of a study to Not Tagged, remove the current RPID/Common Procedure ID for that study, so that the column is blank.
If you need to remap a Tagging Completed mapping, replace the current RPID/Common Procedure ID with a new one.
To mark an exam as Unwanted for CT, enter "Unwanted" in the Status column. For projection x-ray, change the status to 2- Unwanted in the New Status column.
When you are done, save the file to your hard drive. Go back to the mapping tool and click the Choose File button and search for the Excel file you just updated. Select the file, click Open, and then click the Upload button.
The system asks if you want to proceed; click OK to start the upload.
The upload tool validates the changes you entered in the Excel file. If incorrect RPIDs are found, the tool displays a window to show the upload result and the invalid rows. The number of successfully tagged exams and invalid rows are summarized at the top of the window. Details for invalid records are displayed below the summary counts.
Note: A record may be invalid because it has an invalid RPID or Common Procedure ID number (see above).
If you know the correct RPID or predicate values you may correct them in this window and click Update Invalid Record to complete the update.
Click the red X to close the window.
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