The GRID Exam Level Report uses data submitted to the registry using the exam upload process to calculate and compare quality measures. This report was formerly called the QCDR Preview Report but has been renamed to reflect that the report contains both QCDR measures and non-QCDR measures. QCDR measures are labeled to indicate they are available to physicians who wish to use NRDR as a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) or to use Non-MIPS quality measures defined by ACR and approved by CMS for MIPS participation. Reports are posted quarterly and are available in PDF format through the Aggregate Reports menu item in the NRDR Homepage Facility Management Menu. GRID Exam Level Reports use year-to-date data.
This report contains summary information for GRID measures that use data reported at the facility “exam” level or record level and not at the aggregated submission level as is done in the GRID Facility and Physician aggregate reporting method. Exam-level measures include the six (6) report turn-around time by modality/place of service/number of readers and the eleven (11) “GRID 2.0” measures that largely focus on appropriate follow-up imaging, final report documentation, and use of low-dose CT. Performance information on any of these measures is included in the report where applicable, based on the availability of data submitted to GRID by the facility.
For submission of the GRID QCDR measures to CMS for MIPS reporting, the data is aggregated, and the measures calculated at the group (TIN) and physician level in the MIPS Participation Portal. If your TIN(s)/NPIs report GRID turnaround time (TAT) or other GRID QCDR measures data to multiple NRDR facilities, the data for all the TINs will be used in calculations for CMS MIPS reporting. For MIPS Quality Category scoring, CMS uses decile benchmarks to compare physicians or groups to peers to assign a score for each reported measure. In this GRID Exam Level report, your facility performance scores are ranked against the registry level decile benchmarks, and when available, the CMS benchmarks. CMS benchmarks are available in 2022 for all six report turnaround time measures. Please note that beginning with the 2023 MIPS performance year, the measure decile range is 1-10, with non-benchmarked measures defaulting to 0 points if a same-year benchmark cannot be established.
Exam-Level data must be used to report turnaround time for GRID QCDR MIPS reporting.
For an overview of GRID 2.0 measures, please see the GRID 2.0 Measures article here.
An overview of the GRID 2.0 Measure Document Specifications can also be found here.

The following screenshot includes three tables for Report Turnaround Time Measures:
Decile Ranges for all Facilities in Registry,
Decile Ranges for all Physicians in Registry,
CMS Decile Ranges
These are now displayed at the start of each report.

The GRID QCDR Report Turnaround Time Measures, Facility Performance table provides year-to-date data for the entire facility. These deciles can be traced back to the Decile Ranges for all Facilities in Registry table at the start of the report for the corresponding ranges. The lower the decile is, the longer the Turnaround Time. GRID 2.0 QCDR and QI Measures can also be found in this report. Performance information on any of these measures is included in the report where applicable, based on the availability of data submitted to GRID by the facility. For each physician, data are shown by their National Provider Identifier (NPI) number. Physicians associated with multiple facilities appear in separate reports for each facility. Additional measures by Place of Service and Number of Readers, by Physician, can also be found in this report. Where applicable, GRID 2.0 QCDR and QI measures are also broken down by Physician.
Additional measures are also reported by Place of Service and by Number of Readers. The GRID Registry Mean RTAT can be found next to each facility Mean RTAT, in parenthesis, by GRID modality.