- Registry Overview
- Inclusion Criteria
- Benefits of Participation - Answering Key Analytic Questions
- Enrollment and Fee Structure
- Start up Guide
- Getting Started Webinars
- Submitting Case Data
- Data Dictionary
- Vendor Contributions
Registry Overview
The joint American College of Radiology (ACR) - Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 3D Printing Registry addresses the need for coordinated tracking of clinical 3D printing
(3DP). The registry collects anonymized 3D printing case information that includes: clinical indications and intended uses for printed models, the source imaging, the model construction techniques and effort, the 3D printing techniques and effort, and the clinical impact of the models. The registry's ultimate goal is to characterize resource utilization and to improve patient care through quality improvement initiatives.
Inclusion Criteria
The 3DP Registry includes all clinical cases of image-based 3D printed anatomic models and surgical guides created at the point of care (i.e. within a hospital or clinic) as part of routine patient care, except models constructed with biologic materials, implanted devices, and external prostheses.
Benefits of Participation - Answering Key Analytic Questions
The data submitted to the 3DP Registry will help to answer key analytic questions, including:
Profiling the indications for clinical 3D printing: Certain diseases are known to be important areas for creating printed models, such as congenital heart disease and craniomaxillofacial surgery. How large a fraction of the case volume do such cases represent? What are the relative case volumes for these and other indications for clinical 3D printing?
Standards/trends in the use of 3D printing: How complex are the models being made? How often are multiple imaging modalities used to create models? How much effort is required to create these models? How often do they incorporate multiple anatomic parts? How frequently are anatomic guides being printed, and for what purposes?
Profiling the printing technology and materials in use: 3D printing machines range widely in cost, and are variously capable of printing in a variety of materials with a wide range of physical properties. What technologies and materials are most commonly used, and for which organ systems and for which tissue types?
Enrollment and Fee Structure
General enrollment in the 3DP Registry is now open and can be completed at any time (rolling enrollment with no deadline). Details about the registration process are found in the Items You'll Need to Register article.
There is a one-time application fee of $500 and a $500 annual fee.
Note: For facilities participating in the General Radiology Improvement Database (GRID) or the Dose Index Registry (DIR), the annual fee is waived for 3DP Registry participation since both the GRID and DIR fees cover an entire practice.
Start-up Guide
The 3D Printing Start-up Guide provides a step-by-step process to begin submitting data and obtaining performance reports.
Getting Started Webinars
Three webinars held in 2020 provide detailed information from 3DP leaders and ACR staff about the registration process, how to complete and submit the case forms, and tips for successful start up and participation. Each webinar includes a question and answer session.
Webinar: The 3DP Registry: A User's Guide - The webinar presents the rationale and start-up process for the registry along with data dictionary details and several examples illustrating the use of the data dictionary to describe both simple and complex 3D printed objects.
Webinar title: An Open Discussion on Getting Started and Submitting Data - Nicole Wake, PhD, from Montefiore Medical Center, and Lumarie Santiago, MD, from MD Anderson Cancer Center, lead a discussion about their facilities’ experience with the 3DP Registry start up and approaches to submitting case data. Drs. Wake and Santiago field questions from webinar participants about a wide range of issues.
Webinar title: 3DP Registry Case Examples and Data Entry - Amy Alexander, MS, from the Mayo Clinic, and Nicole Wake, PhD, from Montefiore Medical Center, provide clinical case examples of 3D printing and demonstrate data entry in the online case forms available in the NRDR portal.