The NMD Physician Screening Report compares physician data to facility, registry, and national data, helping clinicians benchmark their performance.
Reports are posted semiannually. A sample report is available here.
Click the Aggregate Reports menu item in the NRDR Homepage Facility Management menu to generate a table of reports available for download. The reports will appear as shown below.
Measure Definitions and Sections
The Measures Definitions table provides a brief description of each measure listed in the report.
Data are grouped into two sections:
Section 1 contains data for exams with at least 365 days of follow-up data. Physicians with no exams having at least 365 days of follow-up data receive only NMD aggregate benchmark data in this section but do have preliminary data in Section 2.
Section 2 includes preliminary data on exams performed in the most recent 12-month period.
Comparison Tables and BCSC Distributions
The Abnormal Interpretations and Cancers for Screening Mammography table compares physician measures to the entire facility, all NMD facilities, and BCSC benchmarks.
Physician data are also plotted against the distribution of BCSC benchmark data for Recall Rate, PPV2 (Biopsy Recommended), Cancer Detection Rate, and Rate Minimal Cancer measures. Red vertical lines depict physician data (where available) and blue vertical lines show BCSC benchmark means, quartiles, and 10th and 90th percentiles.
Because Section 2 contains preliminary data, benchmark charts are provided in Section 1 only.
Comparison Bar Charts
A series of bar charts provides data for six measures, grouped into five graphs:
Recall Rate and Positive Predictive Value 2 (PPV2)
Positive Predictive Value 1 (PPV1)
Positive Predictive Value 3 (PPV3)
Cancer Detection Rate (CDR)
Biopsy Results
The bar charts plot measures for each physician along with data for the facility overall, the entire NMD registry, and BCSC benchmarks.
Trend Charts
Trend charts plot data by year, from the start of the NMD registry, for each physician, the facility, and the entire registry. Charts are provided in Section 1 only.
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