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NMD Facility Screening Report

The NMD Facility Screening Report compares your facility’s data to peer and national benchmarks, helping you identify opportunities for improvement.

Reports are posted quarterly with preliminary data for Jan. – Mar. and Jul. – Sep.

Click the Aggregate Reports menu item in the NRDR Homepage Facility Management menu to generate a table of reports available for download. A sample report is available here.

NMD Aggregate Reports Available for Download

NMD Active Facilities Map

The Active Facilities Map displays the geographic distribution of facilities that contributed data for the given reporting period, grouped by Census Region.NMD Facilities Report - Active Facilities Map

The map provides a visual representation of which facilities are included in the Registry statistics the report.

Comparative Statistics

Bar charts provide frequency distributions for the NMD registry for several characteristics, including:NMD Facility Report - Annual Procedure Volume

  • Facility Type

  • Location

  • Census Region, and

  • Annual Procedure Volume

The sample chart, to the right, shows the distribution of facilities by Annual Procedure Volume; the sample facility’s volume of 5-10,000 exams per year is indicated in the chart title.

Measure Definitions and Sections

The Measures Definitions table provides a brief description of each measure listed in the report.

Data are grouped into two sections:

  • Section 1 contains data for exams with at least 365 days of follow-up data. Facilities with no exams having at least 365 days of follow-up data receive only NMD aggregate benchmark data in this section but do have preliminary data in Section 2.

  • Section 2 includes preliminary data on exams performed in the most recent 12 months.

Comparison Tables

Facility data are shown in three sets of comparison tables:

  • Facility data compared to All Facilities (i.e. entire NMD registry) and Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC) benchmarks

  • Facility data compared to similar facilities, as defined by facility type and annual procedure volume

  • Facility data compared to similar facilities as defined by location and Census RegionNMD Facility Report - Table

Comparison Bar Charts

A series of bar charts provides data for seven measures, grouped into the following graphs:NMD Facility Report - Comparison Bar Chart

  • Recall Rate and PPV2

  • Cancer Detection Rate (CDR), and

  • Biopsy Results (Biopsy Positive, DCIS, Invasive Cancer, Minimal Cancer)

Each chart plots your facility’s rate along with rates for similar facilities (by location, type, volume, and Census region), the entire NMD registry, and BCSC benchmarks.

Histograms and Box Plots

For each measure, there is a histogram plotting the distribution for that measure across all facilities in NMD, with your facility’s rate plotted as a vertical line. Data for other facilities are shown in box-and-whiskers form, with max, min, mean, median and quartiles for each comparison group. NMD Facility Report - Histogram

QCDR Preview Report

Report contains summary information on NMD QCDR measures using your facility's screening data for submission to CMS.

Trend Charts

Trend charts plot data by year, from the start of the NMD registry. Facility data are shown along with data for similar facilities and the entire registry.NMD Facility Report - Trend Chart

Clinical Demographics Tables and Charts

The last set of tables and charts provides distributions for various clinical demographics including age, BI-RAD assessment category, family history of breast cancer, and symptoms reported. Data for similar facilities and the entire registry are included.NMD Facility Report - Clinical Demographics Table

NMD Facility Report - Clinical Demographics Chart

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