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NMD Data Submission Overview


This article provides information about the options for submitting data to the NMD along with information important for data entry and patient record updates.


Batch File Options

There are two options for creating a batch file:

  1. Uploading a data file generated by a vendor’s NMD-certified software is the file creation method used by most NMD facilities. The article Create a File Using NMD-Certified Software provides details about this option along with the list of NMD-certified software vendors.

  2. Uploading a manually populated data file is another option using either the Excel template provided or another file format, e.g., a text file.  See the article Create a File Without NMD-Certified Software for details including the file templates. 

Files created using either of the options are then uploaded for transmission to the NMD database. The article Data File Upload Instructions provides step-by-step instructions to upload files. All uploaded files are processed and added to the database overnight.


Batch File Formats

Three NMD file formats are available for batch file upload, each corresponding  to a specific BI-RADS® edition:

  1. NMD Version 2.0, based on BI-RADS® 4th Edition (2004)

  2. NMD Versions 3.0 and 3.4, based on BI-RADS® 5th Edition (2013)

You are strongly encouraged to use the Version 3.4 format which is a more robust format that captures data for ultrasound, MRI, and combination exams, in addition to mammography.

At some point, Version 2.0 will be considered obsolete and no longer accepted by the NMD. For helpful tips on transitioning to Version 3.4, see the article Transitioning from NMD Versions 2.0 to NMD Versions 3.4


Also, please review the NMD 3.x Supplemental Information document below for descriptions of relationships among the data elements and of how certain clinical scenarios should be represented in the file.


Note: Versions 2.0, 3.0 and 3.4 are the only versions supported at this time. 


Web-based Data Submission

Web-based data transmission enables facilities to automatically submit data into the registry.   The process saves time required to upload files and reduces errors but requires working with your software vendor to become a Certified Software Partner.  A facility's IT department may also support this option if the resources are available. 


Please consult the articleWeb-based Data Transmission for NRDR for more information about the set up requirements and links to NMD Mapping requirements. 


Prior to starting this option, please submit a ticket to NRDR Support for start-up support.

Excluded Data

Certain types of mammography exams are excluded from the NMD:

  • Exams performed to monitor clip placement after core biopsy

  • Exams performed to assess the success of any interventional breast procedure

  • Exams with a BI-RADS® assessment category of 6 (known malignancy) are excluded from NMD 2.0 files. They may be included in NMD 3.x files.

Records for the types of exams listed above are not included in NMD files generated by NMD-certified software. Records with invalid data are also excluded from the NMD. Refer to the documentation for NMD Version 2.0 and NMD Version 3.x for data element requirements. 


Patient Dictionary

When a record is added to the database, a corresponding patient record is added to the facility's Patient Dictionary. If a record already exists in the Patient Dictionary with the same Facility ID and Patient ID, Social Security Number or Medicare Beneficiary ID, then the patient record is updated. When a record is updated in the NMD, the corresponding patient record is also updated. For more information about the Patient Dictionary and managing patient records, refer to the article Manage Patients.


NMD_Data_Upload_File_2.0, August 13, 2022 

NMD_Data_Upload_File_3.0, May 4, 2024

NMD_Data_Upload_File_3.4, July 13, 2024

NMD 3.x Supplemental Information, November 15, 2022

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