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LCSR Measures - Exam Level Report

Report Purpose

The LCSR Measures – Exam-Level report is an interactive tool for viewing a facility’s exam data that contribute to a selected measure. The report information can help you dive into the details of the exams that comprise a facility's performance for a specific measure.

Navigating the Report

Get started by signing in to the National Radiology Data Registry (NRDR) portal and selecting the LCSR Measures - Exam Lever Report in the left menu.

Report Features

The report is divided into four tabs across the top of the screen. 

1. About this Report 

This tab provides a general overview of the information displayed across all report tabs. In each tab, hover your pointer over the information icon (blue circle) in the upper left corner to learn more about navigating the tab's features.

2. Rankings and Exam 

This report allows you to select a measure to view all of the exams that contribute to the measure’s rate calculation. You can filter reports by Year, Facility (within a Corporate Account), Measure, and the specific Report Section.

The report displays a facility’s rankings for each measure compared to the entire LCSR. Color-coded rankings provide visual feedback with values determined by a facility’s performance compared to national performance quartiles – e.g. in the highest 25% of all sites, lowest 25% of all sites, etc.


Note: You can learn more about peer comparison rankings in the brief video: LCSR Measures Aggregate Report Series 4 Peer Rankings

Select a measure name in the table and use the scroll bar to the right of the exam list to view all of the exams for that measure. The fields displayed and the order of the data presented vary depending upon the measure selected.

  • The Screened Population measures’ fields include the NPI number of the ordering physician, age, smoking status, etc. The table is sorted by the NPI (smallest to largest number)

  • The During the Exam measures’ fields include age, body mass index, CTDIvol, etc. The table is sorted by the date of the exam (earliest to latest)

  • The Findings/Results measures’ fields include reading radiologist, age, Lung RADS assessment, etc. The table is sorted by the date of the exam (earliest to latest)

3. Data Export

This tab provides instructions to download exam-level data for the selected year and facility to a comma delimited text file. This feature provides users the opportunity to create various data views, charts and graphs.

4. LCSR Measures Definitions

This tab lists the category, name, and a brief measure definition for each LCSR measure.  

We welcome your feedback about this report and suggestions for report changes and additions.  Simply click the feedback link that is also available on the Exam-Level report.   

Date last reviewed: 10-18-2021

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