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GRID Data File Uploads

All GRID data may be submitted via data file upload. However, most facilities submit the annual Facility, Monthly Data by Facility, and Monthly Data by Physician forms manually. Exam-level data for turnaround time must be submitted via either a data file upload or web-based data transmission.

Note: You may upload data for multiple facilities simultaneously; however, if you leave the Facility ID blank for a row, that row will be uploaded to the Facility ID selected in the facility picker.

To start the upload process, use the file specifications below to create a data file in the correct format. You can start with a blank Excel worksheet and follow the layout to add each field according to the format and values specified. Alternatively, you can also create your file as a pipe-delimited text file.

Note: If you use a spreadsheet, columns with time values must be formatted as text.

Next, if you created your file as an Excel worksheet, you can either upload it as a xlsx or convert it to a text (.txt) file. If this is your first time creating a file you may need to configure your computer to use the ‘|’ (vertical bar) character when converting the file.

Note: When uploading an Excel file, please ensure it does NOT have any formulas in the cells. This will cause the file to reject and potentially not allow the log file to be accessed.

Make sure you name your file according to the following naming conventions. Note the free text field is required and has a 50 character limit. Do not include spaces in the file name.


File Naming Convention




Monthly Data by Facility



Monthly Data by Physician






Once your file is ready, follow the Data File Upload process to upload the file to the registry. Be sure to check the file status to see if there are errors you need to investigate or correct.

Previous: Manual Entry:
Monthly Data by Physician
Next: GRID Web-based
Data Transmission

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