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NMD Data Quality Report

The NMD Data Quality Report contains summary and detail tables and charts for a selected History ID. You can access the report by clicking Data Quality Report in the NMD Registry menu.

NMD Data Quality Report link

Although there is a wide variety of data provided, the report is not a full listing of all data submitted, nor does it show performance measures. Rather, it is intended to help users validate that the data sent to the registry are accurate and complete.

Data for all tabs are determined by the Facility and History ID selected from the Summary of Records tab. The report includes all History IDs uploaded within the past 365 days for the facility selected. 

The report includes data for both NMD file versions 2.x and 3.x. Data are grouped into the tabs described below, with data elements and formatting depending on the NMD file version submitted.



To view the report, choose the Facility ID whose data you want to view by clicking the Facility ID in the drop-down menu on the Summary of Records tab:

Facility dropdown

Then select the desired history ID from the History ID drop-down menu:

History ID dropdown menu

If you don't know the file's history ID, you can look it upon the Data File Process Status page:

At the top of the Summary of Records page is a record count by modality. 

Summary of records

It is recommended that you verify that the following is what you expect:

  • The range of exam dates. In this example, the range is from February 4, 2019, to April 18, 2020.

  • The number of records, that is, the number of exams reported.

  • The number of exams recalled, that is, the number of screening exams with an abnormal interpretation.

  • The number of cancers, that is, the number of records with lesions classified as malignant.

  • The number of records with no NPI.
    Records with no NPI will not be included in physician-level reports.

Check the Missing and Unknown Values table to make sure that the optional fields you intended to report were actually reported:

Missing values

You should also check the count of required fields that have unknown values. A high incidence does not necessarily indicate a problem. For example, in the table above, a 63.8% unknown rate for Malignancy Type makes sense, because most of the records did not report a malignancy.

The Errors/Inconsistencies tab shows data elements with incorrect or inconsistent data. You can click the Patient NRDR ID to see additional information about the exam.

Error detail

For security reasons, the patient name that corresponds to the Patient NRDR ID is not included. You can find the patient name as follows:

  • Click the Manage Patients link on the NRDR home page.

  • Click the + to the left of the Filter.

  • Enter the Patient NRDR ID in the Patient ID field.

The Data Frequencies tab shows single-variable frequencies of selected data elements.

Data frequencies

The Patient Demographics tab shows exam frequencies for patient sex and age, as well as height and weight (2.x file formats only).

The Cancer Summaries tab shows frequencies for selected cancer data elements.

Cancer summaries

The Indication and Assessment tab shows bar charts for combinations of Indication of Exam and Assessment Category.

Indication for exam

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