As an ACR CT Colonography Registry participant, you now have easy access to online, customizable marketing tools. The materials in the marketing toolkit are provided to help promote your facility to patients and referring physicians.
Toolkit Components
ACR CTC participant seal for use on reports, facility letterhead, advertising, referral pads, websites and patient billing statements. If you will be using your ACR CTC participant seal on letterhead, referral pads or print advertisements, we recommend that you download the EPS version for the best print quality possible.
Note: Click on the link for the EPS file. A dialogue box will open. Click Save. Then, navigate to the desired location for the file on your computer and click Save again. Your EPS file should now be ready for use. Note that you will need specific software to open an EPS file (e.g., Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator).
Customizable print ad for printed publications
Customizable tabletop sign that you can display at your facility and/or patient waiting area
Customizable banner ad for your website
Customizable news release template for creating a news release on your facility letterhead