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NRDR 13.21 Release Notes

The following update is being introduced as part of NRDR version 13.21 on October 15th, 2022.


NRDR New Design (3DP, CDSR, DIR, MIPS, Assess-AI, Li-RADS)

A new user interface design will be applied to the 3D Printing, CDSR, DIR, MIPS, Assess-AI, and Li-RADS Registries. The new adjusted design will include smaller font and spacing to allow content to be more compact and require less unnecessary scrolling. Adjustments to table styles will also be implemented to make working with table data user-friendly. NRDR is applying this new user interface one registry at a time.  Other registries will be updated in future releases.  User functionality will be the same, the left menu items have been regrouped into the following categories: Data Management, Reports, and Resources. Other common items will have a new design such as error messages and account registration pages.

DIR landing page picture

CDSR Transaction Status table picture

Note: For more information on available reports in the Registries, please visit the NRDR - Understanding Your Reports article.

Data File Process Change (CTC, GRID, LCSR, NMD)

Users should now use the "Generate Log File" action link in the Data File Process Status tab to request to generate log files when there are more than 1000 errors. The system will then generate the log file as a background task in the queue and send an email notification when the log file is created and is available for download in the NRDR portal.

3D Printing "Search Case" Renamed to "Case Forms"

The Search Case left menu item is now renamed to "Case Forms" to be consistent across Registries.

3D Printing "Primary Diagnosis" Now Conditionally Required 

Updated user logic will now require the "Primary Diagnosis" to be identified as such if there is only one diagnosis. Every diagnosis after the primary diagnosis will be labeled as "No" if there is more than one diagnosis. 

Format Validation Change (GRID CT Wait Times)

Values greater than 999.99 can be entered. System accepts values of up to 9999 for these fields on the GRID Monthly Data Form by Facility

  • Time from order to exam for inpatient stat CT exams - Mean
  • Time from order to exam for inpatient stat CT exams - Median
  • Time from order to exam for inpatient routine CT exams - Mean
  • Time from order to exam for inpatient routine CT exams - Median

Site Registration Text Update (LCSR)

In response to the removal of the CMS Lung Cancer Registry reimbursement requirement, participating LCSR sites will no longer be automatically listed. Therefore, the registration instruction "Your facility will be listed automatically if you apply for LCSR" is now removed from the Facility Information Form. 

Instruction "Your facility will be listed automatically if you apply for LCSR" picture

Note: For more information on registering for LCSR or other Registries, please visit the NRDR - Getting Started Guide.

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