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Configure Windows 10 for Data File Uploads

Note: These instructions are for Windows 10; there may be some differences in steps depending on your version of Windows.

To create a data file for upload to a registry you must first make sure your computer is configured properly:

  • Click the Windows button on the bottom left of your screen

  • Click the Settings icon

  • Click Time & Language

  • Click Additional date, time & regional settings

  • Click Change date, time, or number formats

  • Click the drop-down arrow for Short Date and change your setting to MM/dd/yyyy and click Apply. This new setting will ensure that leading zeros will be retained in the upload file.

Windows Region and Language - Additional Settings

  • Next, go to Additional Settings. In the List separator field, replace ',' (comma) with '|' (vertical bar, or pipe). Do not use the drop-down arrow. Place your cursor in the field, delete the comma and insert the vertical bar using the Shift + vertical bar key (see pic of keyboard for location of the vertical bar key)

Windows List Separator

Keyboard Pipe Character

  • Click Apply then OK

List Separator Apply and Ok

Your computer will continue to use the | (vertical bar) character as the list separator character for all applications unless you change it back to the original character. You can do so following the steps, above, to reset the delimiter character.


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