Facility ID Number
Registry Case Number
| These fields are filled in automatically from the case registration form. |
Exam Registration Date
| Enter the date the paper form was completed.
3. Patient Information |
SSN | To use the patient’s SSN, select the SSN radio button and enter the ID in the format NNN-NN-NNNN, with or without hyphens, where N is a digit. All digits are required. |
Other Identification
| Enter an identifier that uniquely identifies the patient, such as MRN. Entries in these fields cannot exceed 50 characters. |
*Last Name*First Name
| First and last names must be 50 characters or less. At least two characters must be from the characters "A"-"Z", "a"-"z", or a single quote ('). Additional characters may include a hyphen. |
Middle Name
| Middle Name is optional. If entered, it must start with a letter. The remaining characters can be letters, or the characters" ' ", "-", or "." |
Old Medicare Beneficiary ID (MBID)
| Indicate the the patient's Medicare Beneficiary ID issued prior to April 2018. |
New Medicare Beneficiary ID (MBID)
| Indicate the the patient's Medicare Beneficiary ID issued after April 2018. This is a combination of letters and numbers, 11 characters long. |
*Date of Birth
| Date of Birth must be at least three weeks prior to the current date.
*Patient Sex
| Select the appropriate response.
| Enter the patient’s race as identified by the patient. If the patient identifies with more than one race, enter as many as apply. This field is optional. |
Patient Ethnicity (Hispanic Origin)
| Enter whether the patient is of Hispanic origin, as identified by the patient. This field is optional. |
Health Insurance
| Select the patient's health insurance, if available.
Education level
| Select the patient's level of education, if available.
COVID vaccination/vaccination date
| Indicate if the patient has received the COVID vaccine and the date of vaccination, if available.
COVID vaccine manufacturer | Select the appropriate response. |
COVID vaccine site | Enter the location where the patient received the COVID vaccine, if available. |
4. Examination Date |
*Examination Date | Enter the date the exam was completed in mm/dd/yyyy format. The date must not be greater than the current date. |
5A. General Information |
*Type of Study | Select the appropriate response. |
*Interpreting Physician
| The physician’s name must be selected from the drop-down list. For a physician to be listed as the interpreting physician, he or she must be listed as a CTC participant in the physician dictionary. Refer to Manage Physician Dictionary and Users and Add Physicians to an Individual Registry for instructions on listing a physician as a CTC participant.
Did technique meet ACR guidelines? | Select the appropriate response. Click the icon for details. |
Referred from incomplete colonoscopy | Select the appropriate response. |
*CTDIvol | Enter the CTDIvol in mGy as displayed on the console. Range: 0.01 – 999.99. |
*Supine image acquisition
*Prone image acquisition
*Decubitus image acquisition | Select the appropriate response. |
5B. Post Examination and Adverse Events |
*At least one polyp >= 10 mm | Select the appropriate response. |
*Colonic perforation | If Yes is selected, then etiology, location, and whether the patient was symptomatic from perforation must be indicated. |
C Score | Select the appropriate response. |
E Score | Select the appropriate response. |